I'm currently looking to use the Output tool to output a list of values into a range in a Microsoft Excel file. Right now I've been able to specify a range in an excel file using the file path in the text box but I need to be able to do this for different file paths based on a list that I will bring in from an Excel file. My two inputs will include 1 list of values grouped into different sets and 1 list of sets and their file paths.
Essentially I'd like to drop a Constant into the file path text bar however the Constant needs to change for each set of values based on the file paths from the second input. I've attached a sample workflow of what the two inputs look like. Would anyone know how to do this?
This will eventually be incorporated into a macro to cycle through each set of values however I'm having a hard time understanding how to pass this kind of input into a batch macro as well.
We use the option to have the full file path in the output as ne;pw
BUT there is a limitation causing your intention may not be completed.
When we use range to output result, say you are spcifying C3: D15, the result is actually from C1:D15 and C1:C2 will be blank in Excel.
therefore, only the last iteration will be left in Excel output, and others will be overwritten.
Yes that's right my best case scenario is to use the ne;pw range in the filepath to write a dataset to a range. However is there a way for me to give the Output tool a range specified from another dataset? I've previously set up two constants with the first cell and last cell but now need to change the constants each time I write to a range for a new set of values