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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Up key on keyboard moves two rows in Alteryx

5 - Atom



My up arrow key moves two rows, while all my other arrow keys only move one. I have tested this in notepad, excel, and Alteryx with the issue only occurring in Alteryx. I have tried using a wired external keyboard and my laptops arrow keys, both have the same issue. I have closed and re-opened Alteryx and restarted my computer but the issue still persists.

Any advice?



17 - Castor

Can you share what version you're on? Are you observing it in any particular area? Browse results, text input tool, result pane, etc?

5 - Atom

Hi There,


2021.3.4.00445 is the version I get to use till work updates it.


The issue appears to occur in the browse tool while reviewing a few hundred rows worth of results but if I click anywhere along the workflow where I can see the data it does the same double up issue.



17 - Castor

@mgiese  got it, I'm on the latest version and can't reproduce. Might be worth looking at the release notes to see if it's a known issue:

