I would like to add new IDs into existing database. I would like to skip existing IDs and add new IDs in the name alphabetical order.
Here is the sample existing database:
ID | Name |
1 | AAA |
2 | BBB |
3 | CCC |
7 | DDD |
10 | EEE |
11 | FFF |
This is the sample new data:
ID | Name |
NEW1 | GGG |
NEW2 | HHH |
NEW3 | III |
NEW4 | JJJ |
NEW5 | KKK |
NEW6 | LLL |
1 | AAA |
2 | BBB |
The desired output is this: (new IDs are added as 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12)
ID | Name |
1 | AAA |
2 | BBB |
3 | CCC |
4 | GGG |
5 | HHH |
6 | III |
7 | DDD |
8 | JJJ |
9 | KKK |
10 | EEE |
11 | FFF |
12 | LLL |
I also attached a sample workflow.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Take a look at the attached, I believe this achieves what you are looking for?
1. Find matching Names
2. In the existing database, find the "gaps" by using the Generate Rows tool to find all ID's between the minimum and the maximum, then join to the existing database to find which ones do not exist in the existing database.
3. Join by Position to the new data to match however many records are needed to fill gaps in the existing ID's.
4. Union to matching names to create a list of existing plus new between the original minimum & maximum ID's, then sort ascending.
5. Union to any remaining ID's from the new data set, and then use the Multi-Row tool to generate new ID's for remaining records.
Let me know if this works or if you have any questions! :)
@nick_schimwegand @NicoleJohnson,
Thank you very much for sharing your method! Both workflows work great!