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Unable to Append Tableau Data Source

8 - Asteroid

Hi Community,


I have a workflow that successfully created a .hyper data source on our Tableau server using the Publish to Tableau Server tool. However, when I run another workflow and set the output option to append instead of create, it gives the following error: "Error: Publish to Tableau Server (102): Error: The file was not uploaded successfully."


I've read multiple articles where it states to change the formula for the 257 filter to the below in the macro. However, the macro already had this formula so there was nothing to change. "findString([DownloadHeaders],"HTTP/1.1 201")>=0" 


Any idea how I can resolve this?


Below are my specs:

Version: 2022.1.1.40869

Running Non-Elevated





8 - Asteroid

For anyone coming across this issue in the future, it seemed like the output was too large to append to Tableau (145 million records). I split the data into smaller sets and ran it again and it worked. Side note, even if the smaller set doesn't work, just run it again and it'll eventually work. 


Weird solution but it resolved it for me. 
