I recently updated to the latest version of Designer (2022.1.1.25127), and noticed that the updated background colors/theme is now predominantly lighter.
Are there any additional options (besides canvas settings) that you can configure to your liking? I mostly use dark theme/color settings for my OS and other applications, and it would be helpful to have similar options to choose from.
I thought I saw a recent mention of a Dark mode, but can't find it. Maybe it was just a question somewhere.
Best suggestion.... add Likes to some of the existing Ideas
One of the Ideas from 2019 for a Dark Mode is marked as "Not Planned". Hoping Alteryx has changed their mind on that one.
Agreed, I find the new theme really hard to look at.
So much so that I might have to roll back a version!
Thanks for your screenshot... I got FOMO because we are still on Designer 2021.3 because of compatibility with the Server. As an avid Dark Mode supporter, guess that I won't be missing out on a lot 😎