My company uses a sandbox Tableau server and a production Tableau server.
1. I use Alteryx (Publish to Tableau Server tool, now deprecated) to publish a datasource to both SBX and PROD,
2. I connect to a Tableau workbook and build using the SBX datasource,
3. I publish that workbook to SBX server, and then
4. A backend process publishes the workbook from SBX to PROD, linking the PROD workbook to the PROD version of the datasource.
The backend process relies on the SBX and PROD versions of the datasource having the same name.
I'm beginning the process of transitioning to the new, supposedly 'better' Tableau Output Tool. But so far, it will not let me publish a datasource with the same name to PROD and SBX. Even though the URLs are different for each server, and the datasource in question doesn't show up in the list of available sources in the configuration of the PROD output tool.
Any ideas? Any workarounds?
A LOT of people are having that same "Connection to platform was not successful"(including our company). We've been working with Alteryx for months to try to fix it. It has something to do with the certificate handshake between Alteryx and Tableau. Ironically, this error only occurs starting with Alteryx V2022 and higher. The new Tableau output tool does not have this issue in V2021.4.
The way around this is to use TabCommand(also known as TabCmd). It's a command-line tool built by Tableau that makes it so you can control Tableau server via API. Your version of Tableau server may require and older version of TabCommand than what's listed.
I created a macro(attached) that uses TabCmd to publish hyper files to the tableau server. It creates a hyper file to a folder of your choosing. It then pushes that hyper file to the server and overwrites that hyper file on the server. It will appear in the Connectors toolset.
There is nuance to using TabCmd that you may have to read through the TabCmd documentation to figure out. BUT, here's a couple things to know
Hope this Helps!