Hi All
Hope you are doing well.
I have one dataset with multiple columns.I want to sum of "Debit Credit Differ" column but the condition is I want to fetch particular rows where data has been summarized.
Key column contains -ve and +ve values. So SUM of this column is -100.
Please find attachment for dataset..
Thanks for the help..
Appreciate your help..
Will try and let you know.
Thank you for your efforts..
I have used this one but thing is "Debit credit Differ" is SUM of hole column so we don't know which will be the SUM different values..So we don't use filter tool here.
We need more dynamic..It will take SUM of hole column and It returns SUM rows values . In this -100 Is SUM..But in case data is huge then it will be more than one values..So need to return All SUM values with rows.