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Spatial Match: How to output the number of Intersects per polygon?

7 - Meteor

Hi there,


I have used the spatial match tool to calculate count of matched and unmatched data points. Straight forward enough.

Now, I would like to export all of these polygons, with the count of all the intersects that occurred within them.


How would I do this?




12 - Quasar

@Chris_W, could you give more information? I understand the matched/unmatched.


1. Which polygons do you want to export? The polygons created by an intersection versus the polygons that lie outside the intersection? (GIS speak: Intersection versus Difference operations? Union?)


2. For count, is that number of spatial objects that intersect from overlay layer for each poylgon in base layer?

7 - Meteor

Hey Philip!


Think I've managed to get at the answer.


Initially I had created trade areas based on a lat/long. These trade areas also had a Store Name, state city and zip associated with them. It is these trade areas that are the polygons I am referring to. 


Then, after spatially matching with my visit data (also in lat/long format), I used a Summarize tool to group by the Store Name (note that there is one store name per polygon). Then, also using the summarizing tool, I did a count of the Store Name, 


This effectively gives me the number of interests per polygon (aka Store Trade Area).

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Hi Chris,


This appears relatively simple.


In order to return your count of intersects (which is essentially the number of matches per polygon in your target file), you can simply return a group by on your spatial object and then do a count of your universe objects.


Essentially every 'match' that occurs with Alteryx returns a line in our 'matched' output stream.


I'm not sure i've explained this so well so have attached the workflow!



12 - Quasar

Be sure to look under the Spatial options in the Summarize Tool. There are some cool things you can do there. With the count, you could get the intersection of all those polygons.

8 - Asteroid
