I have a requirement to create a temp sql table from output in alteryx and then use that table in another SQL query with inner join.
So Step 1 (create a temp table in sql) -> Step2 (use the table created in another sql join query) but these two steps are happening in parallel but are required to be in sequence.
I have tried using 'Block until done' tool and macros but none works. Please provide some ideas on this.
Can you show us your current workflow? I think either Block Until Done or macros should work, but the details depend on how it's set up.
Hi @Jotigautam ,
As @Christina_H said, this would be achievable using a batch macro. You would need to run it in sequence, so whatever data determines the first run would be one control parameter value, followed by the second. This would then allow you run the first to completion, then run the second. with SQL obviously it needs to be committed before you run the second if it refers to the first.
One question would be, why are you doing the joins in SQL? Why not just do it in Alteryx and output the joined table?
If you share your workflow with us we can build that for you.