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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Run the same workflow for multiple files

5 - Atom



I have created a workflow and need to run it on multiple files. Instead of resetting the input for every file, I've tried using a wildcard to pull all files within the same folder. The output combines everything into one excel. I would like each file to have its own tab within the same excel file. 


Any help?

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

This is a common request, that get's asked quite frequently. Here's one thread explaining how to do it,


Or if you share some dummy data I can mock up an example on how to output to multiple sheets.

17 - Castor

Hi @adcastil 


This should be a pretty straightforward exercise:


  1. In the input tool, make sure it's configured to take the file name as a field
  2. In the output tool, use that file name field as the tab name (or make a new field for your desired tab name) and configure it like the below screenshot. 


