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Run Command Tool produced the tmp.bat error code 1073741510

7 - Meteor

Hi Alteryx :


If this is just my own rookie's error code, I sincerely apologise for wasting everybody's time, kindly ignore my question then;


For a relatively simplified workflow of mine, the Alteryx Run Command Tool had worked smoothly and perfectly !


But when I had added just a few more tools into the workflow, I then received the tmp.bat error code;


So I  kindly attached herein the screen shots of the error code, and the respective yxmd files .


Many thanks in advance for your help throughout :)


Best Regards








13 - Pulsar

In your run tool, uncheck the box for including headers. It doesn't mean the same thing as in other tools. That is indicating that you want the headers to be in the output, which you don't want in the batch file since the headers are not valid commands. I would also change the sample tool to be an N of 1 or use a Select Records tool set to 1 so you only get one command out, otherwise it would be trying to run the excel open command up to 100 times.

When I made those changes in the workflow you sent, it worked without errors for me. Hope this helps.

Run tool


Sample tool


or the Select Records tool instead

select records.PNG

7 - Meteor

Awesome Pulsar Petrie !


Your solution was spot on :)

5 - Atom



Absolutely no worries! Sometimes the Run Command Tool can be challenging, particularly when workflows get more complicated. File paths or the way the command is run after adding additional tools could be the cause of the tmp.bat problem. I'll examine the yxmd files and screenshots you've included to determine the root of the problem. I appreciate you sharing those! 😊



Ava Daisy

Prestige Palm Court

7 - Meteor

Thank you Ava Daisy, you are a lovely person indeed ~ 


Our hats off to Alteryx geniuses, spending their valuable time , to trouble shoot , to discover practical solutions for us, we greatly appreciated their imparting nuggets of good knowledge !


Kudos to their diligent solutions , behind-the-screen, to solve our curly problems !!  Such hard-work had helped to illuminate how to get a perfect workflow , in an imperfect world , for all of us in the future !!



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