Hello I am attempting to create a workflow which I need to save an excel workbook dynamically named for the previous month (i.e. we work on April close in May so when the workflow is ran in May it is saved as XXXX April - 2024.xls). The workbook also has multiple tabs. I was able to achieve all of this by creating a file path formula pulling in the previous month and selecting take file/table name from field in the output file and changing the entire file path as well as using control containers to generate the separate tabs. The problem I have is in the output tool I have the write to file or database as the general folder of our Alteryx reports not a specific file with a named range to preserve formatting as the file doesn't exist yet. I'm not sure how to utilize a template for formatting if the new file is being dynamically named and does not exist yet.
you can a template of your monthly report and using Blob tools you can first create a file for previous month and then write the data into the sheets
benefit of this is you can bring all the logics from template to your new file.