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Render tool drop spaces between an Ampersand and the following letter

8 - Asteroid

I've got an Excel file with the product names "Knives & Spears" and a Report Text tool that outputs a line that ends with "...Jet Skis & Wet Suits"

Everything is A-OK through the Layout Tool, but the Render drops the space between the & and the next letter.

This happens even when the Excel file is modified to have Two spaces between the Ampersand and the S.

Any solution that allows the use of Ampersands?  The alternative is to just use "and" but the & can be useful in reporting...


21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

There is a related Idea for this issue, so I guess this idea is not accepted for implementation.
Do you accept "and" instead of "&"?


14 - Magnetar

Definitely check out the link @Qiu shared. It makes much more sense for Alteryx to fix this issue in the long run.


That being said, you can cheat by replacing the space after the "&" with the non-breaking space character: CharFromInt(160).


Something like this: Replace([Field Name], "& ", "&" + CharFromInt(160))


Hope this helps and Happy Solving!



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