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Reading Excel Files from where the column starts (New File will be uploaded everyday)

8 - Asteroid

I have a requirement in which everyday I will have to upload a file in Alteryx and run my workflow which directly comes from the database. Continuous process. I want to create a wf in which the files will be automatically read from where the column header starts which is B4, form B4 column header starts and the data is below the column header. This is the format which I receive from the database and therefore I can't make any changes. There is a specific text written on top on D2 - "Report 1", I don't want to include this value as it doesn't come under any column it's just a topic which is mentioned on D2. How can I make this possible to make it readable from the headers.



         A              B                 C              D               E                 F


2                                                       Report1


4                     Date            Name      Region       Type           Number    

5                 24-05-2024      Sam           NA           New             435

6                 26-05-2024      Ravi           IN             New             545

7                 22-05-2024     John           SA            Old               354


How can i achieve the proper output ? The output should be headers on top and then the data.

15 - Aurora

In the Input Data tool, use the option for Start Data Import on Line


Screenshot 2024-06-27 070012.png



8 - Asteroid

Actually everytime I can't do this, my organization will block the input data tool, they just have a file selection page where you need to select the file, then automatically the data has to be read  

13 - Pulsar

If the headers are always going to be on the 4th row and you always need to drop the first column, you can add a few tools to clean it up.


A dynamic select tool set to [FieldNumber] !=1 will get rid of the first column no matter what its name is.


A select record tool with 4+ will skip to the 4th row where your desired headers are.


A dynamic rename tool set to take the field names from the first row of data will then rename it for you.

