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Read all the files in sharepoint folder batch macro

6 - Meteoroid

I have a batch macro which supposed to read all the .csv files (they are named by the date) in a sharepoint folder (via sharepoint input tool), connected to a workflow that reads the same folder's directory, lists the name/path of the folders and match the file that has the today's date in its name. So, i may dynamically read the today's file and output it. 


However, the batch macro does not read all the files in the folder but only reads the one i marked in batch macro (highlighted in macro ss).


Any idea what might be the reason?  

attached ss



19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @Cagahan 


It looks like the item that you need to modify is Path.  See this post for details.



6 - Meteoroid

Thank danilang!


Had to click on replace a specific strng and just write any file name inside the folder to be replaced by the incoming data. Thanks!

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