Hi All,
Seeking your help to advise me which Tool I should use to read the certain data file in the folder directly & automatically. (if should use other tool, plz help to advise)
Instead of drag & drop the data from the folder each time, I would like to let workflow automatically read the data by date today and yesterday (exclude weekend)
Not sure how i should use Directory here or other tool i should use.
my workflow just need today & yesterday data (weekday)
For the File Specification, you can just use "SampleData1*.xlsx" and then use a combination of tools afterwards to parse out the date from the file name, reformat it to an actual date data type, and use it to filter to only those files that equal today's or yesterday's dates!
Possibly even better, if there are written out on those dates, you could read in the file using the same "SampleData1*.xlsx" file specification in the Directory tool, Sort on the CreationDate, and Sample to the First 2 records which would presumably be your two newest date files!
To exclude weekends, you can add a "Filter" tool after the "Directory" tool and use a formula like IF DAYOFWEEK(DateTimeModified) <= 5 THEN [File Path] ELSE "" ENDIF