Is there a way to connect 2 inputs to a workflow and rapidly switch between input A and B to test the workflow as you built it out (to identify anomalies in seemingly similar inputs)?
Hi @hellyars you could have two input tools in separate containers, connected to a Union tool, then just toggle the disable option in the containers
@markcurry That's so simple it's brilliant. I need a second cup of coffee. Thanks.
@markcurry Oh wait.... I just remembered. I am trying to trouble shoot subtle mistakes or deliberate changes in the field names. So...
@hellyars In that case, you could use the 'Expect Equal' Crew Macro to compare the inputs.
Or you use the 'Field Info' tool after each input and do a Join on the Field Name or Data Type to check for differences. Hope that helps
I assume this is OBE now that we have smart containers. Will test in the next few days.
This looks cool. I am going to check it out.