Hi All,
I am working on a ".xls" Excel file, which contains multiple sheets. I have created a workflow for converting the file format from ".xls" to ".xlsx" in Alteryx. The converted file will automatically save into a specified working directory.
However, I would like to know how to pull the converted file as my input data file in the second workflow.
The reason behind this question is because I have created 2 different workflows and I am trying to use the "Block Until Done" tools trying to control finish running the file conversion workflow first, and run the data extraction part secondly. But it doesn't work.
I have attached my sample file and my workflow in this post down below. Thanks all of you.
Hi @tamluenwai29 looks like you're using Designer 2024.1?
If so use control containers over Block Until Done - Control Container Tool
@Matt_D Hi, I have tried the control container before, But it seems doesn't works for my case. Can you give me some advice for it?
if you don't post your workflow as a .yxzp the macro will not be included. Without seeing this - I can't be sure - but 90% of the time this is because your action tool is not configured correctly. In your case you are sending in a fullly qualified path with |||<List of Sheet Names> -> and your action tool - input data tool in your macro are probably configured to expect something else. reconfigure them and see if that clears the error.
These tools will not help as Alteryx import the data at the beginning of the workflow, and at the beginning of the workflow you do not have xlsx file in the folder so it will not pull it in, even after that it was written down. The only file that will reflect in the Directory tool will be the files at the very beginning.
Therefore you have here 2 options, chained app or through user interface create 2 steps, step one will be converting the file and step 2 transformation the data. But in the later you will need to run the automation 2 times from Gallery, one time for Step 1 and one time for Step 2.
The way how Alteryx is working when you click on Run it creating copies of the files and then use them, so even if you will add additional files later on, Alteryx will not have access to them unless you will run the automation again, or use chained apps
Hi, I have attached the workflow in .yxzp format, and attached down below.
Again, thanks for your help!
@OTrieger Hi, I would like to know. If a created a chained app, whether it will automatically run the second workflow after the first one without any manual steps?
Yes, that is the logic for chained apps, that when one is complete to work the next one is get triggered and no need for any additional action.
Unlike the other tools in Alteryx, the input tools as using the data at the first time that you are running the automation, as what Alteryx is doing is first upload a copy of the data and then use it, so even if you will add new files to the Directory tool Alteryx will not have access to them at that point of time. You will need to run the automation again so the data will be available.
Maybe that can be add as a new idea for Alteryx, to get Alteryx keep uploading the data or create a tool that refresh the data and get Alteryx upload the correct files in that directory.
@tamluenwai29 --- in your batch macro - set a template file - and instead of brining in sheet 1 - bring in list of sheet names.
toggle off container 1.
run with one sample file.
this should clear the error.
toggle back on container 2.
run with dataset.
This is more of a metadata error than an error.
you can also toggle off amp which sould fix this.
This does not require a chained app.