I need to pull the date and filename from a string.
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kkannon nzt-nfs-access 277981 Dec 1 20:34 Board 1_kkannon_1608126559567.xlsx
So I would have 1 column with "Dec 1" and another with "Board 1_kkannon_1608126559567.xlsx". The "Board 1_kkannon_" and ".xlsx" portion of the filename string will remain the same but the number will change
Also, has anyone experienced the issue of the download tool not getting the year?
for the first part, maybe we can try
Thank you all for your quick solution. That seemed to work perfectly. I did forget about something though. Sometimes the year will show up, so I could have the following 3 scenarios. How could the date column have the year as well depending on the scenario?
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kkannon nzt-nfs-access 277981 Dec 1 2020 Board 1_kkannon_1608126559567.xlsx Month, Day, Year
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kkannon nzt-nfs-access 277981 Jan 5 2019 20:34 Board 1_kkannon_1608126559567.xlsx Month, Day, Year, Time
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kkannon nzt-nfs-access 277981 Dec 15 20:34 Board 1_kkannon_1608126559567.xlsx Month, Day, Time