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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

Find answers, ask questions, and share expertise about Alteryx Designer Desktop and Intelligence Suite.

New To Alteryx


Hi Everyone,


I am a senior at Cal State Fullerton and the course that I am taking requires learning this program. My question to those who have mastered this program what tips would you recommend someone who has no prior history of programming? So far I'm enjoying playing with the different features of this program.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I would recommend you to complete the weekly challenges as many as you can.
The weekly challenges are very effective way to improve your skills in short amount of time. and you can always lean from the solution provided by other challengers.

And No programming skill is required for Alteryx.
@caltang shared some practical tips here and you may want to take a look also.

18 - Pollux
18 - Pollux

Agreed with @Qiu - get exposure to the tools (maybe via the Learning Path) but it’s all about practice!!!


if you are looking to eventually pass the core exam, I would also recommend using the prep guide as a syllabus of sorts:

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

It’s important to have fun. I would say having fun is key to learning. If you’re not having fun, it won’t stick as fast… 


Play with weekly challenges! Ask questions and do fun stuff with your data! 

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE

Hey @framirez2492 Above suggestions are really useful and also helped me learn Alteryx. One thing that I will add is to go through the documentation(examples) of each tool you are learning because it provides you an understanding of various scenarios a tool can function and you can see the input/output which makes it easy to understand.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

At the top of this page under Learn > Academy, these are great links: Learning Paths, Interactive Lessons, Videos




It is really depends on what is your goal!

Are you doing it just to pass the exam or want to know how to use it?

If you would like to know how to use it then doing the Interactive lessons as first learning gradient, as they are balancing well between the theory and the actions which helps to get better understanding in a very simple way.
Engaging with the Weekly Challenges, start with the simple ones, will groove you in how to use these tools and will give you kind of internship, if I can call it in that way.
There are plenty of interactive lessons, when mastering them, get into one of the learning path that including also additional text with deeper descriptions on the different tools.
When you learn something the practice it to see that you understand how to use it.

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