I am using one of Chris M's macro from the gallery to import multiple schema files. most of my files headers start on row 5, how can i incorporate this into the current workflow? i.e. to remove all the unnecessary column's from row 5 in each spreadsheet.
@danilang https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Community-Gallery/Import-Multiple-Schema-Flat-Files/ta-p/919226
the other point is where i have misalignment in column headers how can i solve this.
Hi Dani
I have attached the .yzxp if it will help:
1- the data when imported has all the ro headers that i don't need amd therefore i want the data to be imported from line 5
2- once this is done is there a way i can re-align the columns so that they all stack up in the appropriate column headers (similar to doing a manual re-alignment in a union tool)
pls let me know if any q's
For the misaligned columns, there no easy fix, other than to find some way to filter those rows and treat them separately.
The attached macro doesn't have any functionality to start reading from anything but the first row. To deal with this, you need to tag all the lines that are not part header rows, probably using a formula tool and then a filter to exclude those row. Make sure to remove the extra column name rows as well. You'll then need a dynamic rename configured to take the column names from the first row of data. Do this process separately on both sets of rows, the aligned and misaligned rows.
Both of these steps will involve some data investigation on your part to determine how to flag the various rows