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Missing time series tools under Time Series Tab

8 - Asteroid

Dear All,

Wondering if anyone can help me to solve this. I have installed the R predictive package and I have the predictive tools. Under my Time Series tab, I have




TS Compare,

TS Covariate Forecast,

TS Filler,

TS Forecast, and

TS Plot. 


I just realized that I should have two more: TS Forecast Factory and TS Model Factory. These two are missing on my Alteryx. 


Can anyone tell me what may be the cause? My Alteryx version is 2018.4.5.55178


Thank you

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

According to the documentation on those tools, they are not automatically installed with Alteryx Designer or the R tools. These tools are available for download from the Alteryx Analytics Gallery


TS Model Factory:!app/TS-Model-Factory/5772af65aa690a1348cc6abf


TS Forecast Factory:!app/TS-Forecast-Factory/5772b060aa690a1348cc6b73


8 - Asteroid

Thank you so much! I downloaded the files. They both are standard macros. Now how can I add them to my Time Series tab?

8 - Asteroid

I got them in!! Thank you so much!


Macro Installation

  1. Download or save a macro to a directory.
  2. Open Alteryx Designer.
  3. Click Options > User Settings > Edit User Settings.
  4. Click the Macros tab within the User Settings window.
  5. Click the + icon and select the directory used to save your macro(s)
  6. Enter a Category Name for the directory to appear as in the Designer.
  7. Click OK.
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

The Peter Gamble-Beresford over at the Information Lab has put together this awesome guide to integrating custom tools into the standard toolbar using a yxi installtion:



Alternatively, you can add them your in your user settings:

Options > User Settings > Edit User Settings > Macros > +

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