Hello. I have a dataset of latitudes and longitudes. How do I see which points are inside a 10 mile radius of a fixed point. I want to output a column with text that says 'inside' and 'outside'
Hey @rajparulekar1,
You can use the distance tool to calculate the distance in miles between two points then use a formula to calculate if its less than 10 like this:
@IraWatt . Thanks for the solution. One follow on question - Lets say I have several points (with a 10 mile radius) and I want to see which points in my database is within a 10 mile radius of any of those points.
@rajparulekar1 Ah okay, I would advise looking at the spatial match tool. Essentially you can give multiple points (with a 10 mile radius) as the 'Universe' in the U input and then input your other points as a the targets. The output will contain the targets and which points radius it is contained within.