Hello Team,
I am new in Alteryx and it's the first time using the Community. I need to find a flow as shows the Result table (in yellow).
I have a spreadsheet with Customer data (blue), another with Primary Price List data (green) and the last one with Second Price List data (orange).
Thank you very much in advance
What is the correlation between the Second Price List and the other tables?
Hi @SusanaVillena ,
To join the Accounts table and the Primary Price List you can use the Join tool with Price List Name as the join condition.
But the Second Price List also needs a key to identify with the other tables. Once you identify that, you can use the join tool again
@SusanaVillena for both the price list you would need a unique key (i.e. a value that is identical with the one in price list; this value must be unique in price list) - e.g. in column "Price List Name" of the green table there are duplicate values, so the join tool may not work as intended.
Thank you for your reply.
The Account Number is linked to an unique Account Name. Each Account Name has a list of Primary Price List Names with Product Values + Dates, and some of the Primary Price List Names are linked to the Second Price List Names with Product Values + Dates.
Any other question, please let me know.
Thank you for your time and any advice.
Thank you for your reply.
The unique values are the Account Number and the Account Name -> both are unique values (there is only one Account Number per one Account Name, no duplicates) and linked to the Primary Price List Names with Product Value + Dates. Some of the Primary Price List Names have a Second Price List Name with Product Value + Dates.
Let me know further information is needed.
Thank you very much for your time and support.
You need a lookup field in the Second Price table, the same way as the Vlookup in Excel. I don't see that field on the data.
as @gabrielvilella wrote - there is no clear connection between Price List 1 and Price List 2, e.g.:
I cannot see why in the below case there is a T-shirt valued 22 only in the first row for Red client (why not jeans or shirt? why not T-shirt with different value? why only in the first row?)
There should be a lookup field or any other logic that determines exactly which record from Price List 2 should be matched to item from Price List 1.