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Looking to match values

5 - Atom

I recently joined to learn and improve my Alteryx skills and knowledge.


I am trying to create a column where it matches a particular value of a particular column in each row. Something like this:



I understand I would need to create a new column in the Formula Tool. But I don't see a match equation in there to get what I am looking for.


This is what I have done so far.





What do I need to do? I appreciate your help in this regard.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

@ryxnewbie take a look at the transpose and having a record ID tool before the transpose tool. This will take your data and create one field. You can then use something like the Summarize tool, grouping by the record ID and grouping by the data and then doing a count of the data. That will tell you in which row how many of the particular value exists. You can then filter out what you don't want and join back to your original data using the Record ID.

5 - Atom

I tried the first 2 tools you advised, but the new column I created in the record ID tool gives me numbers which isn't what I want. I want the new column to match the same text values as the other columns to the left of it:




When I used the transpose tool after the Record ID, this is what I get:




Is there something I'm doing wrong? Please help.

20 - Arcturus

@ryxnewbie Can you provide the input file and expected output result?

5 - Atom

@binuacs, this is sensitive data that my supervisors have not allowed me to share. However I can create mock sheets of the input and expected output result and share it.  Hope you're fine with that.

5 - Atom

With the help of my colleague, I was able to create a column where it matches a particular value of the other columns by creating 2 formula tools.


Formula tool 1 updates the flag columns by changing values with string "No" to null and identifying non null values.

Formula tool 2 adds all the string non-null values of the flag columns together into one new column.




Now I need to count the string values of the new column into a Integration Count column. I tried doing a count by the new column and even tried grouping by the flag columns and new column as advised by @DanM, but it doesn't work. Is there a better way of counting the string values of the new column without transposing or cross tabbing?




