If any of the provider type codes is listed and does not have a BHNOMCR flag,
Then add comment of BHNOMCR Check Claims
Else Ineligible Provider type
(it's flagging all other provider types not listed below as Ineligible Provider Type) Thank you
If [PT Code] IN ("ABA",
AND (!Contains([Flag Code], "BHNOMCR"))
Then "BHNOMCR Check Claims"
Else "Ineligible Provider Type"
@snadeau456 i dont see any issues with the formula, can you provide the input file and expected output
@snadeau456 Your formula working fine. I added a filter tool to see how many records are falling in the given Prov Type codes. you can remove the filter tool
In the results provided, it is not.
@snadeau456 your logic is
AND (!Contains([Flag Code], "BHNOMCR"))
Then "BHNOMCR Check Claims"
Else "Ineligible Provider Type"
eg: ProType = 'ABA'
AND (!Contains([Flag Code], "BHNOMCR")) means it will check for the word BHNOMCR, if it is there then mark as "BHNOMCR Check Claims"
thats why the result are
what is your expected result then
@snadeau456 I updated the formula that @binuacs initially created. I think this might give you the output that you are looking for. See attached workflow.