Solved! Go to Solution.
Actually, there are some specifics to address in your question.
First, let's start with the Action Tool:
The numeric up-down tool will "Update Value(Default)" to the line you select in the Tree View you're marking with the orange-ish baloon. In this case, for example, if you select the line that says "Value[@name='NPercent']-value='60'", the value (60) will be replaced by the value of the Up-Down Tool (note the gray on the selected value to be affected by the control, is very light, but it's there).
The "There Were No Output Files" message is based on that your workflow doesn't have any Output Tool within. In the case you want to see the results, just add one Output to it. Additionally, you can add a browse tool, but you need to use the Interface Designer (Ctrl+Alt+ D) and Tick the Browse Tool you just added to be included in the Output. This'll show you the results of the Workflow.
The results will be (From the original record count of 9426 (I used the Transactions.xml Sample file), only the % amount selected using the up-down tool, in this case 50%=4713 records are selected/output) :
Hope this helps,
Thanks for answering.
You stated "if you select the line that says "Value@name='NPercent']-value='60'. This may sound like a silly question but how do you "Select" I can highlight but is this "Selecting"?
I created this very simple one and still can't get it to work. I just want to be able to type in 40, 50 or whatever to pull a percent. The "There Were No Output Files" message still shows up.
You're right (Select=Highlight), just click over the line you want to affect with the value entered in the up-down tool.
I'm attaching a very similar workflow, to show you how it's done.
If you like, call me on skype and we can go step by step (Skype: albertoguisande)
I have the latest version of Alteryx but I get the following message when I try to open your .yxwz
There was an error opening
Action_Tool.yxwz: This document was created by a ore recent version of this applicasion and cannot be read.
Is this referring to another program beside Alteryx?
My Alteryx version is
Not sure which one to "highlight". I'm assuming Value[@name='NNumber']-value="1000"
I acutally tried to highlight each one but still got the message..."There Were No Output Files"
I don't have Skype. : (
Last version is, that's the one I'm using, and that's why is throwing that error.
You should highlight the line containing the NPercent (with value=60), that's the line indicating the Percentage. The value selected in the Up-down tool will change that 60 for the value selected by the user.
To fix the "There Were No Output Files" you may take two paths:
- Remember to go over the Interface Designer --> wrench icon (Settings) and check the checkbox corresponding to the Browse tool connected to the Random % Sample.
- Add an Output Tool to the workflow (for example that saves an Excel file), and you'll be able to see the results.
That works!
Not sure exactly what I did but it works! I'll mess with it and then write out a detailed Step-by-Step.
Thanks so much!
I could find nothing that you did here documented anywhere. Is there a site I'm missing. What is your best suggestion for learning more about using "Interface" ?
The Tool Mastery series (by @SeanAdams) is a great place to learn more about the Tools.
Just search Tool Mastery in the search bar of the Community.
For example, here is the article related to Check Box: