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Input from Amazon Redshift truncating strings to one character

5 - Atom

I loaded up a Designer workflow that I used without issue last quarter, and found that all six of the Dynamic Input tools I use to bring in data from the Amazon Redshift datalake now output only the first character of every varchar-type field. Numerics and dates come through just fine, but every single string gets cut short. 


Switching the Dynamic Input to a regular Input tool with a hardcoded query returns the same one-character-only result. However, accessing Redshift via SQL Workbench and running the same query produces the table I expect, with its string fields intact and labeled varchar(255). The weirdest part is, when I look at the metadata in Alteryx, the type is V_String and size is listed as 255 as expected, even though what it's actually giving me is size 1. 


What could possibly be causing this to happen? I've checked every tool setting I know of and can't figure it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

13 - Pulsar



is the query simple in each input data tool or is there some union internally in the query?

19 - Altair

switch odbc driver to the Simba Redshift Driver on the Alteryx site. this is a known issue (at least by me) with the AWS Redshift driver.

5 - Atom

I downloaded the latest Simba driver and the installer said it was already present. I used the Repair option, restarted Alteryx, and the issue is still occurring. 

5 - Atom

The queries are all very simple. Select * from table where date = (dynamic input). All the rest of the processing is done in Alteryx rather than SQL. Replacing the dynamic part with hardcoded values didn't affect anything when I tested that. 

19 - Altair

can you confirm that your alteryx in-db is set up for the simba driver - vs any other redshift driver? can you share your data type and additional options config in odbc 64?

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