Hi Guys,
The sheet name of my excel file differs everyday. The format for example is "Indicatives-20230811-1709". In the sheetname, what changes everyday is the second and third part (which is 20230811 and 1709). Please advise how can I translate it in the formula tool. Below is my syntax in the formula tool but it is getting an error. Is it possible to use * (asterisk) after indicatives?
Looking forward for your assistance.
you change the file input tool. to load by sheetname only. then only use dynamic input or macro to load that sheets.
if the sheets are too many, you can use filter before dynamic input
Hi @PangHC
Do you have a sample screenshot or worfklow where I can see on how to do it?
Hi @PangHC
Thanks for the response. However, I am using directory tool in inputs. Is there a way you can give me sample on how to get the sheet name with using this tool?
The structure of my workflow looks like this.
Thanks and looking forward for your advised.
@KamenRider you can use two dynamic input tools. one for import sheets name, another for read the sheets.
here the workflow. do generate a blank excel with name "a.xlsx" to run without error.
Hi @PangHC
I configure the location of the shared drive in the directory and found an error as follows:
Please advised.
Hi @KamenRider
Unfortunately, if your file is a .xls file this approach will not work properly. xls files are legacy at this point and use old Microsoft drivers.
One way to approach this problem is by converting the files from .xls to .xlsx and then, apply the method shared by @PangHC .