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In-DB Age vs Formula Tool Age

9 - Comet

Looking for some help in this, I've been going crazy on it.  The way we are doing it with the regular formula tool is this: 




This gives the age and seems to be correct.  So when I moved to in-db, I tried to just use a DateDiff and use it the same way the DateTimeDiff works, but it wasn't working so I have ended up with the following formula in my in-db formula: 


floor(datediff(day, [BIRTH_DT], [HIRE_PROCESS_TS])/365.23076923074)


This one is not correct and has haunted me for a while.  I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.  Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.  I'm using a SQL database.  


HIRE_PROCESS_TS BIRTH_DT Age_FormulaTool Age_In-DB_FormulaTool
2005-07-01 10:17:22 1958-07-02 47 46
2010-01-13 09:14:55 1967-01-14 43 42
2010-02-19 09:42:31 1968-02-20 42 41


20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus
(YEAR(@CurrentDate) * 10000 + MONTH(@CurrentDate) * 100 + DAY(@CurrentDate)
- YEAR(@DateOfBirth) * 10000 - MONTH(@DateOfBirth) * 100 - DAY(@DateOfBirth)
) / 10000

I found this answer at: 

Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

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9 - Comet

Thank you very much.  I looked forever and couldn't find a formula that was working.  Now I am matching 100%.

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus



You're quite welcome.  I'd like to take credit for knowing the answer, so I will.  Just kidding.  Google and I are close friends.  Glad to hear that you're 100%.




Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

Chaos reigns within. Repent, reflect and restart. Order shall return.
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