Column A | Atype | Amnt |
123 | GPP | 40.56 |
456 | CBB | 40.51 |
789 | GPP | 30.0 |
101 | CBB | 80.00 |
102 | AAP | 9.00 |
103 | AKS | 7.00 |
What can be the forumla or tool to use for the below requirement:
The net ‘Amnt’ where the net equals any Atype containing GPP and CBB minus all others
I have used the below formula but I only get negative values - I need to get both positive and negative values
IF [Atype] in ('GPP','CBB') then [Amnt]
ELSE -1*[Amnt] ENDIF
Solved! Go to Solution.
It seems to be working correctly? Can you share the expected output for each column?