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How to replace one macro with another macro in Workflow.

8 - Asteroid

Hi Team,


Please help me to understand:


How to replace one macro(.yxmc) with another macro(.yxmc) in Workflow.




Piyush J

8 - Asteroid



If you only need to replace then delete the existing one and paste in the new macro on canvas by right click -> insert -> macro !


Hope this helps !


8 - Asteroid

Thanks Gallop,


I got your point ,but i thought( looking for)  that there is some option coming ( when i click on existing macro ) to replace with new one .


Do we have such kind of option available?

Please reply.





19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @PiyushJain 


There is no option to directly replace one macro with another in Alteryx Designer.  @JDong's solution is the only way to do it from within Designer.


Note: Before you try the following, make sure to CREATE A BACKUP OF THE WORKFLOW FILE.  If you make a mistake when editing the xml directly, you can make it so that the file can be no longer opened within Alteryx


You can. however, edit the .yxmd file directly in a text editor like Notepad.  Look for the place where the path to the macro is referenced.  It will look something like this.


<EngineSettings Macro="c:\alteryx\macros\test3 - macro2.yxmc" />


Edit the path to point to new macro.  If the configuration option for the new macro is not identical to the old one, you'll have to re-enter the configuration info once you open the file in Designer



8 - Asteroid

Thanks Dan.



Got your point..


Thanks for your help.




Piyush J

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