I have a workflow creating individual excel files. The path was created using a formula tool and adds the supplier name to the file name. We have one supplier with a "\" in their name. This creates an error message "Unable to open Archive for zipping...the system cannot find the path" I noticed the supplier name had "Corp.\Max" in the name and clearly the backslash was being interpreted as part of the path. I pull this list and would like a dynamic way to handle.
As far as for Windows, the "\" is an illegal character for File Path or File name, right?
So how do we expect the "\" will be used?
As @Qiu mentioned, I don’t think there’s a way around this unless you remove the “\” from the name.
My first thought was how to leave it in but on the way home I thought about using Regex to replace it with another acceptable character like a "-". This is still dynamic and doesn't impact the path. Thank you!