How to compare column data from two spreadsheets to return results from one column if a match and adds a indicated comment if no match.
Sheet1 data in cell D2 to search the entire D2 column in Sheet2
If found to add 2042
Else No
@snadeau456 use the Find and Replace tool for your usecase
Hi, not looking to replace the data in that column nor any other column.
Find/Replace has an option to append if the data matches. One of the most undervalued tools in Alteryx.
Your sheet1 will be F, and sheet2 will be R. Select Append and Append the column that you are after. You may need pre-processing on Sheet2 to add a column with the data 2042 that can be appended.
@snadeau456 are you not getting the result?
No, it is not populating one of two results needed.
@snadeau456 @Would you be able upload a sample file and expected output result
The first compare rows are populated for examples.
From 2043, take the data in cell D2 and search all of D column in 12219 and if found, return 12219 else No in C2
Same for from 12219, take the data in cell D2 and search all of D column in 2043 and if found, return 2043 else No in C2
From 2043, take the data in cell F2 and search all of F column in 12219 and if found, return 12219 else Add Net ID in E2
Same for from 12219, take the data in cell F2 and search all of F column in 2043 and if found, return 2043 else Add Net ID in E2
From 2043, take the data in cell H2 and search all of H column in 12219 and if found, return 12219 else Add TSL in G2
Same for from 12219, take the data in cell H2 and search all of H column in 2043 and if found, return 2043 else Add TSL in G2
From 2043, take the data in cell J2 and search all of J column in 12219 and if found, return 12219 else Add Ntwk Spec in I2
Same for from 12219, take the data in cell J2 and search all of J column in 2043 and if found, return 2043 else Add Ntwk Spec in I2
uploaded spreadsheet examples twice - let me know if you do not see them.