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How to change the text under each tool to a custom description / comment?

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

In reviewing a colleague's workflow today, I noticed that they changed the default text under their tools to provide their own custom description. 

How do I do that?


Example: On the Formula tool, the caption defaults to the formula in the configuration.




How would I change "c = a+b" to my own custom comment?


I have been using the Comment tool or Container tool but this looks more simple. 

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

There is a tag icon in the config panel, 2 icons under the wrench.  Check it out!

Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

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9 - Comet

step 1. Click on a tool 

step 2 . Click on Annotation on left side 




Enter text and you can move annotation to top or bottom of tool ( in this example I have entered "Input Location URL"


Wrench is used for Configuration ( hover the mouse over ) , Navigation Comes next , Annotation comes next , ? ( help ) is last 

This will show up on left side when a new tool is input into canvas 






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