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How to add extra formulated rows to my column?

8 - Asteroid


I am looking to see how can I add formulated rows to my metric column? This data below is a snapshot of the data so there are more rows.


ChannelChannel GroupCategoryMonth TypeSpend TypeMetricValueFiscal Year
Branded SearchBranded SearchPaid MediaCurrentDirectInquiry168FY22-23
Branded SearchBranded SearchPaid MediaCurrentDirectFT3FY22-23
Branded SearchBranded SearchPaid MediaCurrentDirectBudget-INQ435FY21-22
Branded SearchBranded SearchPaid MediaActualDirectBudget-Spend34650FY21-22
Branded SearchBranded SearchPaid MediaActualDirectBudget-FT33.95081656FY21-22
Branded SearchBranded SearchPaid MediaActualDirectSpend34119FY21-22


This is how I would like my data to look like. The "*=" in my metrics columns are the calculations that I would like to have done.


ChannelChannel GroupCategoryMonth TypeSpend TypeMetricValueFiscal Year
Branded SearchBranded SearchPaid MediaCurrentDirectInquiry168FY22-23
Branded SearchBranded SearchPaid MediaCurrentDirectFT3FY22-23
Branded SearchBranded SearchPaid MediaCurrentDirectBudget-INQ435FY21-22
Branded SearchBranded SearchPaid MediaActualDirectBudget-Spend34650FY21-22
Branded SearchBranded SearchPaid MediaActualDirectBudget-FT33.95081656FY21-22
Branded SearchBranded SearchPaid MediaActualDirectSpend34119FY21-22
Branded SearchBranded SearchPaid MediaCurrentDirectCEI*=Spend value/Inquiry valueFY22-23
Branded SearchBranded SearchPaid MediaCurrentDirectBudget-CEI*=Budget-Spend value/Budget-Inquiry valueFY22-23
Branded SearchBranded SearchPaid MediaCurrentDirectInquiry to Start*=FT value/Inquiry valueFY22-23
Branded SearchBranded SearchPaid MediaCurrentDirectBudget-Inquiry to Start*=Budget-FT value/Budget-Inquiry valueFY22-23


Is there a way to do this?

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @bryanmac_92 ,


Here is one way of doing this. I hope this helps.





Formula tool expressions

CEI = [Spend] / [Inquiry]

Budget-CEI = [Budget_Spend] / [Budget_INQ]

Inquiry to Start = [FT] / [Inquiry]

Budget-Inquiry to Start = [Budget_FT] / [Budget_INQ]





8 - Asteroid

Hi @Yoshiro_Fujimori 

Thanks for this! When I tried to run yourworkflow using my input data that had more rows (x>9000), I get only about 10 rows. Can you check to see why?

Here is my data attached.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

@bryanmac_92 ,


Your new data is different from the original one.

In the first place, you need to define below conditions.

1. If you want to deal with multiple "Channel", you need to define the grouping rule for each Channel.

It seems to be every 8 rows, but you should define it.

2. Your new data has different "Metric"s, so the original calculation for additional rows is not applicable.



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