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How do you disable error messages when running analytic apps?

5 - Atom

Hi Everyone,


I've been trying to determine how to I disable error messages when running an analytic app. I currently have an app that has multiple check boxes that enables a container when checked. The container that is being enabled also has folder browse tools in it and when I choose not to check off a box when running the app, it gives me this error:


"ToolContainer: Disabled containers may not contain interface tools."


I want to give my users the ability to pick and choose which workflows to run, but I don't want to see those error messages.


Here is an example of in the interface tools I put in my workflow:


Is there a solution to this?


14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Hi @pting,


Alteryx will error if you put an Interface tool in a disabled container, but you can still have the Interface tools interact with each other.  Put both the Check Box tool and the Folder Browse tool on the canvas, then go into the Interface Designer window.  Move the Folder Browse up until it is in the Check Box frame (Folder Browse will show as indented under Check box as shown below).  The options will change and you will be able to check the box for "Collapse Group When Deselected".  When this is run as an app, the user won't see the File Browse option unless the box is checked (images 2 & 3).  In combination with action tools you should still be able to enable or disable parts of your workflow without including the File Browse tool in a disabled Container.


Interface Tools.png


Interface Tools2.png


Interface Tools3.png


5 - Atom

Wow! It never occurred to that I should just move the interface tools out of the container. 


This absolutely solved my problem!


Thanks so much!

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