How can I autofit the content to cell in Alteryx?
Also, how can I make the headers bold and do the required color fill on the header row in Alteryx output using Alteryx?
At last, any other formatting suggestion to make the data presentable will be also appreciated.
To autofit content in Alteryx, use the Table Tool and set the table width in the Render Tool. For bold headers and color fill, adjust the header style and apply color rules in the Table Tool. Additionally, consider wrapping text, setting column widths, adding borders, and using conditional formatting to enhance readability.
Best Regards,
@Kartik21 have you tried the Reporting Tools?
please go through the attached examples of reporting tool
also go through the link attached below for better understanding.
How to Create Merged Cells in Reports, Part 2 - Alteryx Community
Hello Everyone,
Thank you for your suggestions. However, my problem of autofit to content is not getting solved even when I have used 'Table Width' as automatic in Table tool. Please suggest the alternative solution for this.
Consider using a formatted Excel Template and Blob input/output tools to copy the template before overwriting with your data.
Check out this post for an overview. Depending on your version, I would probably use control containers instead of block until done but otherwise this is a great guide:
@Blake Thank you for the valuable suggestion. One more thing to ask, if I have more than 1 tabs i.e. 2 or more than 2 tabs in a single excel file which needs to be formatted and the formatted outputs of all the tabs should come in the final output, how can we do that?