i want to write date into Google Sheets using this: https://gallery.alteryx.com/#!app/Google-Sheets-Tools/5952d212a18e9e0e48a0cafe/run
every batch should write into a new sheet in the same file.
Example Input and desired Output:
A | B | Batch |
1 | a | 0 |
2 | b | 0 |
3 | c | 0 |
4 | d | 1 |
5 | e | 1 |
6 | f | 2 |
7 | g | 2 |
8 | h | 3 |
9 | i | 4 |
This table should become [Filename] with 4 Sheets names "0", "1", "2", "3" and "4".
Sheet "1" with rows 1-3 .... Sheet "2" with rows 4-5 ...
Does it work manuelly?
1) Filter for Batch "0" and with Option "Create New Spreadsheet" ... i called that spreadsheet "Alteryx_manually"
2) Check Google Sheets -> Its there
3) Filter Batch = 1 with option "add sheet to existing spreadsheet" and we selected our "Alteryx_manually"
4) Check GoogleSheets -> its there - same file, different sheet
After checking if it would theoretically work i would now show my batchmacro that does not work:
The Batchmacro:
1) First Batch Parameter -> updates the filter at "2)"
2) only first batch creates new file - all others write into that file
3) deselect column "batch"
4) Creat new file [Filename] if first batch ... or in which file a new sheet is created with name [Sheetname]
5) set [Filename] which should be created or written into
6) Set [Sheetname]
i am getting this error messages:
and in google sheets it looks like this:
All files are empty but the sheetname are correct.
First file is empty with sheetname "0"
Second file is empty with sheetname "1" and so on...
Does anybode know how to fix that problem?
Best regards,
I think i got it ...
if the filter output iy empty the tool still writes empty data sheets into the file.
is there a way to block that?
"Block if empty"?