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From input excel, for each row how to produce separate excel sheet.

If a excel-sheet contains input data

EMP_ID    Age    Mark1      Mark2   Mark3      Total

101              19      50             60         70          180

201              18      80             40         50          170

301              19      70             60         60          190

then trying to get separate result as below

File-1: Result_101.xlsx

EMP_ID    Age    Mark1      Mark2   Mark3      Total

101              19      50             60         70          180

File-2: Result_201.xlsx

EMP_ID    Age    Mark1      Mark2   Mark3      Total

201              18      80             40         50          170

File-3: Result_101.xlsx

EMP_ID    Age    Mark1      Mark2   Mark3      Total

301              19      70             60         60          190


Please guide as am new in development.

8 - Asteroid

In the output tool just enable the keep in field output box and mention the employee id field in field containing file name .Then it will generate the each excel sheet for each employee separately.

13 - Pulsar

@sathyar- is correct about generating separate sheets for each employee.


If, however, you want to create separate excel files for each employee ID, then you will want to dynamically create new file paths to store the data, I am including a helpful knowledge article that will help explain the process for doing this.


Just make sure, you are setting the appropriate file types, per your requirement ".xlsx" instead of ".xls" which is what is in the article I linked.


I also attached a simple sample workflow that does this (just add in a proper file path)

Thank u, it works
