Hi All,
I'm trying to filtering out 2 date from a field of dates but its only returning the first date not both any ideas? Thanks.
Looking to get me last day of prior month or last day of prior year. below only gives me the last day of prior month.
[Report Date]=left(DateTimeAdd(DateTimeFirstOfMonth(),-1,"day"),10)
[Report Date]=left(DateTimeAdd(DateTimeFormat(DateTimeToday(),"%Y-12-31"),-12, "MONTHS"),10)
Hi @BosKev
Did you check
Is this working properly. Just a hunch "%Y-12-31" this might not be a accepted format.
Thanks @atcodedog05 looks like the table did not include prior year, formula is ok. trying to delete this post....
ok cool then @BosKev 🙂👍