I have a simple .bat file which runs fine if i do run the workflow manually , but when i put it on scheduler it give time-out error.
Error: Designer x64: Error running Event #2: The external program "emailsend Error - Copy.bat" timed out after 30000 ms.
Can anyone help me with this error ?
Hi @Abhi_31 ,
I'm assuming you're scheduling using the server, so have you checked that the .bat file is being dropped to a shared location where the server can reach it, and that the path you are using to that location is the same when you access it from the server. For example, if you have a shared drive and it's G: on your pc, but NewFolder\\ from the server then it won't see it.
Try using UNC pathing which will allow it to standardise on the server and locally.
Hey ,
I have my bat file is already on the drive and all the paths have the shared location paths.
my bat file run another PowerShell which sends out email using outlook.
So running it locally sends email email but on it scheduler it gives "times out" error.
Also i have "Alteryx Desktop Automation" license.
Hi Abhi_31,
were you able to solve your problem. I am facing same issue and wondering if you can help me.
facing similar issue, any solution for 30000 ms error? loading the CSV file
also file size is 7 mb only