Hello- I'm sending email to 50 plus persons. Each one will receive an attachment related to their project only.
In the email tool. I'm updating their email address in the "TO" field but when hit run the work flow, all of the peoples getting a last person attachment only. Could you please help me resolve how I can achieve this by sending each email and attach file only related to that person.
Thank you!
Best Regards!
Hey @sunilk,
Have you tried the batch macro approach? There are some great videos on the community on them.
Essentially it would allow you to dynamically update which attachment to add and recipient address email for each person.
No I have not tried the macro yet. Could you please send me a screen shot on how I can do that. Do I need to click on email tool to insert the macro as shown on your screen shot?
Best Regards
Hi @sunilk
Can you share how your workflow is set-up? I've done something similar and as long as the file path of the attachment is in the same row as the email it should go to, you shouldn't have a problem.
here you go.
Oh wow, you'll definitely want to go with the macro approach that @IraWatt suggested. Any time you have the same steps repeated over and over is a strong indication there's a simpler way.