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Efficiency question: transpose and clean one field vs multi-field calc

11 - Bolide

I have a data-set that has MANY concatenated fields. They have various data cleansing issues that I'm solving using a complex REGEX function or even multiple REGEX functions. The REGEX function is pretty heavy and can be a bottleneck in the workflow once I'm the dataset gets into the millions of records size.


Which is more efficient?:

A: Apply the same regex to all the columns using the Multi-Field Formula tool

B: Transpose - perform regex on the [Value] field - crosstab


I could answer that myself if I understood whether or not a mult-field calc is done in parallel or serial.

If the multi-field tool can perform the calc on all(or some) of  the fields at the same time, then I would think A is more efficient. BUT if it does it in serial(column 1, then column 2, etc..) then I would think B would be more efficient.






20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

@csh8428 ,


 for efficiency I'd recommend not transposing.  Avoid Regex if possible.  Use formulas specific to the field contents.  




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