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Dynamic Way to Identify Changing US Holiday Dates

8 - Asteroid

Hi everyone, 


I have a workflow where I have to identify holidays in the US to exclude those dates from our data. Some of the holidays that I need to identify are "3rd Monday in January" or "2nd Monday in October" so they don't have consistent dates each year. I want to use formulas to identify these so that the user doesn't have to download a calendar or look at a calendar to identify the holiday, trying to make this workflow as seamless as possible for them. 


I've attached what I have so far, but I feel like I may be overcomplicating it or there's something I'm not thinking of when attempting to set up the data for the multi-row formula tool. Could someone please take a look to see if there is a solution?


Thank you!

15 - Aurora

This is how I would do it:


Screenshot 2024-09-26 100305.png


