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Different Format in First Field causes Blanks on Input

7 - Meteor

I'm inputting a file using the sample tool to skip to the correct record, however when the format changes from Year to Year/Qtr, the result shows 'null'


I've used a select tool before the sample tool to set the first column to a V_string 19 char, but it still comes in 'null.'


Any Ideas?


Capture.JPGCaptureoutput.JPGselect tool.JPG

11 - Bolide

Its not the select or the sample that is having trouble with it.  Its the initial datatype that is problematic.  Alteryx is told by Excel that this column is a numeric.  You would have to go back into the excel and correctly make this column a text otherwise it is going to convert these always to NULL.

7 - Meteor

Thanks for the idea, however it didn't change anything. 

7 - Meteor

There's something wonky about the input file, you're right.  I copied that page onto a different workbook and saved.  The input ran correctly.  Thanks for the direction!

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus



I can't get the "bad" results to happen.  Here is my configuration of the input tool:



In option #7 I tell the (version 11) input tool to start on line 70.  I also told it that the data (not the fieldname) starts there.


It is Friday and maybe I'm already out the door, but have you tried something like this?





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7 - Meteor

Thanks Mark. It isn't Alteryx, there's something about the input file I can't put my finger on.  I've converted the field to a text as suggested, same result. When I take the whole tab and paste it into a new workbook, it inputs correctly.  I'll have to explore on the excel side more. 

7 - Meteor

It was delivered as an excel 97-2003 workbook.  When I resaved as Excel workbook.  It worked perfectly!  So obvious.

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