Hey Everybody, currently trying to get Alteryx to input data via the OneDrive Input tool.
I had it working earlier this week - currently I am signing in via intern browser. It looks like it made the connection just fine, I am able to view the option into the tool etc - but when I run the flow it is saying " Connection to platform was not successful."
Has anyone experienced this issue and potentially know a solve?
Hi @JordanParr have you checked which version of Alteryx you are running & which version of the Onedrive connector you are using?
There has been a recent update to the OneDrive connector that could be causing this, please try updating Alteryx to current version and downloading the latest connector from Gallery here: https://gallery.alteryx.com/#!app/OneDrive-Tools/5b1f09810462d72900a250e7
Happy solving!
Hello @JordanParr
Can you please take a look at this article, and see if this would apply. If not, or it does not resolve the issue please submit a support ticket if you have not already.