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Delete Table in Access Database

8 - Asteroid

I have a workflow that pulls data from a table in Microsoft Access.

How can I have Alteryx delete the table or just the data within Microsoft Access?

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

There are a few options; and I'm sure someone with Access experience will come up with more than I can.


Here's how I see it:

Option 1.  Leave the Access DB and Table in place, but drop all records:

 After you've used the data you want to drop, add a Block until Done, then Select Records (set to 0 records), then an Output to the same table you read from and output option as Overwrite Table (Drop).


Option 2. Drop the table so it entirely no longer exists in the Access DB:

Several combinations will work so long as you end the workflow with a Block Until Done, and then an Output tool which outputs to the same Access DB and Table, with a Post SQL Statement of "Drop [Table]"



I've attached a sample workflow.  Set up a dummy Access DB in your Documents folder called TestDelete.accdb and table named Table1.  Then on the inputs and outputs change %USERPROFILE% to your Windows username for this example to run on your machine.


Written in v11.



