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Data extraction from PDF files

6 - Meteoroid

I have an image template for a table, In certain files, this table appears on a single page, which allows me to extract the data correctly. However, the table spans multiple pages in other files, causing extraction issues. I want to extract Table 1: Key metrics data from the attached files. Can someone please give me the workflow and advise how I can handle multi-page tables in Alteryx, possibly using computer vision tools?

8 - Asteroid

Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but have you tried using the PDF to Text tool? You can bring it in using that tool, use a Formula tool to determine which lines are relevant, and then filter out what you don't need. I would try and put it together but I don't currently have a license for AIS. 🙃


It's detailed in this community post from last year.

6 - Meteoroid

thanks Garrett, i tried with solution given in the  this  post, As i have to extract the data from multiple table using formula and regex is time consuming. 
If i use Alteryx table, data is populated to dynamic columns , is it possible to use the dynamic columns in multi row formulas ? 

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