Alteryx input tool accepts txt files. But the configuration for the file formats doesn't list txt files as an option.
So, can or should txt files be used? If so, how should I fill out the file formats in the configuration?
Hi @maurrreen .
Yes text files can be used. Drag the file onto the canvas and you should get the below pop-up. Then either choose 'read as fixed width text file' or 'read as delimited text file' based on how the file is set-up.
Thanks. But the configuration window still asks me about file formats, and still doesn't list txt files at all. What should I choose for file format?
Hi @maurrreen
txt files are read as csv files hence csv format set is the correct format option.
Hope this helps : )
Thank you! I suspected that, but wanted to make sure. That is just what I needed to know.
Happy to help : ) @maurrreen
Cheers and have a nice day!